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Advanced Web & Graphic Designing

Advanced Web & Graphic Designing encompasses visual communication. It's a specialized field within design, demanding a deep understanding of design principles. Graphic designers handle both print and digital projects, while web designers focus on fast-loading, visually appealing websites. Mastery of design principles is essential for success in both domains.


SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a programming language used for managing and manipulating relational databases. It provides a standardized way to interact with databases, allowing users to perform various operations such as querying data, updating data, inserting new records, deleting records, and creating and modifying database schema structures (tables, views, indexes, etc.).


HTML5 is a markup language designed to enable website authors to create the structured, navigable experiences that consumers have become accustomed to on the World Wide Web. As of 2018, it has been adopted by everything from desktop computers and tablets to mobile phones and game consoles, so you can receive a wide variety of interactive experiences for your website visitors. HTML5 is an open standard that can be used by anyone, and it is supported by most web browsers. However, there are some differences between how each browser handles the markup language; this means that your pages may not look exactly the same in every browser.


CSS3 is the latest version of CSS. It's more powerful and robust than CSS2. The main reason behind this is that it supports responsive design, which makes your website adaptable to different screen sizes and other devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. CSS3 can also do things like rounded corners, drop shadows, and gradients. It also supports animations, which makes your website more engaging


Bootstrap is a front-end framework for designing websites and web apps. You can use it to create the structure of your pages or design layouts with its fluid grid system that adapts to different screen sizes. With Bootstrap you’ll be able to easily create websites, apps, blogs, and more from start to finish. Bootstrap is open-source and free to use. It’s maintained by a community of developers and designers who are constantly adding new features, fixing bugs, and improving the framework. You can also download Bootstrap for use on your own website or project.


JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented programming language. programming languages are used to structure and manipulate information to facilitate the flow of logic, data, and requests in a computer program. JavaScript is a client-side scripting language that can be embedded into HTML code to create dynamic web pages. Scripts are executed in the context of a web browser, and when JavaScript code is run in the context of any other application (including online games or in desktop applications) it is said to be run "in the ECMAScript environment"


jQuery is a free and open-source JavaScript library that simplifies the creation and navigation of web applications. jQuery simplifies HTML document object model (DOM) manipulation, event handling, Ajax programming, and much more. One of the most frequently used JavaScript libraries today is jQuery. It is used by an estimated 61% of websites, including many prominent sites such as Facebook, Google, and Wikipedia.


In order to express a story, message, or idea, illustrators are hired to produce still drawings and images that are then utilized in publications such as greeting cards, books, magazines, packaging, and commercials. Their work is featured in many publications such as magazines and newspapers. Their work is also used in advertising campaigns for companies, as well as in books and magazines. They may also create art for animated films, video games, websites, and mobile apps.


Photoshop is a photo-editing and raster graphic design application that allows anyone to create, edit, and experiment with a variety of graphics and digital art. It helps you to edit and retouch images in a wide array of ways such as; removing the red-eye effect, editing portraits, smoothing skin, removing blemishes and wrinkles, etc. It also allows to the creation and edits raster images with multiple layers and the import of the images in various file formats. It is notable for its vast feature set and its availability on different platforms. Photoshop is used for creating digital paintings, artistic edits of photographs, and retouching photos to make them look more attractive which makes it an effective tool for designers, etc

Tags: Web graphic designing, canva, photoshop,illustrator,C++,C,HTML

WebGraphic Designing Course Content

  • Introduction of SQL
  • Writing Basic SQL Select Statements
  • Restricting & Sorting Data
  • SQL Functions and Expressions
  • Subquery and Unions
  • Creating and Manipulating Tables
  • Including Constraints
  • Joins
  • Group Functions and Clauses
  • Heading Tags
  • Formatting Tags
  • Anchor Tag
  • Image Tag
  • Image Mapping
  • Table
  • List
  • Nested List
  • Form
  • Input types
  • Fieldset
  • Iframe
  • Media Tags (Audio & Video)
  • Layout
  • Canvas
  • Placement of CSS
  • Background Property (Image, color etc.)
  • Border
  • Font
  • Opacity
  • Visibility
  • Hover
  • Margin
  • Padding
  • Display
  • Display - Flexbox
  • Position
  • Gradient
  • Tooltip
  • Pagination
  • Table
  • Transition
  • Animation
  • Transform
  • User Interface
  • Introduction of Bootstrap
  • Button, Grid
  • Table
  • Jumbotron
  • Form
  • Wells
  • Labels
  • Panels
  • Pagination
  • Image
  • Glyphicon
  • Carousel, Progress Bar
  • List Group, Dropdown
  • Collapse, Navbar
  • Popover, Scrollspy
  • Input types, Modals
  • Bootstrap clearfix
  • Close Icons
  • Bootstrap Display Property
  • Bootstrap Flexbox
  • Image Replacement, Invisible Content
  • Bootstrap Position responsive
  • Screen readers
  • Bootstrap Sizing, Spacing
  • Placement
  • Types of Variables
  • Datatypes
  • Operators
  • Conditional Statements
  • Looping Statements
  • Function
  • Object
  • Array
  • Methods of Array
  • String Methods
  • Math Object
  • Number Object
  • DOM (Document Object Model)
  • BOM (Browser Object Model)
  • Events
  • Form Validation
  • Selectors
  • Show
  • Hide
  • Toggle
  • FadeIn
  • FadeOut
  • FadeToggle
  • SlideUp
  • SlideDown
  • SlideToggle
  • Animate
  • Selection tools & magic wand
  • Drawing with path primitives
  • Drawing woth pen tool
  • Type, type tools & appearance & fill
  • Grouping obejct
  • Applying attributes to a group
  • Getting startted & interface layout
  • Paletters & toolbox
  • Selection tools & alteration tools
  • Drawing and selection tools
  • Assistance tools & color boxes and modes
  • Basic image editing
  • Cropping & resizing & correcting & saving


Web Designers work with the design elements to create a unique and unique user experience. They can create a style of your website that fits for every client.

Photoshop is a photo-editing and raster graphic design application that allows anyone to create, edit, and experiment with a variety of graphics and digital art.

In order to express a story, message, or idea, illustrators are hired to produce still drawings and images that are then utilized in publications such as greeting cards, books, magazines, packaging, and commercials.

HTML5 is a markup language designed to enable website authors to create the structured, navigable experiences that consumers have become accustomed to on the World Wide Web.

JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented programming language Bootstrap is a front-end framework for designing websites and web apps.